giacomo gibilterra

Vivere all’estero, lettera aperta: ‘Non siate esterofili’

Living abroad: we decided to publish this email because it seems right to make it known. We do not agree on everything but in large part yes, Andrea (the surname asked not to make it public) wrote an open letter to Italians abroad and those who would like to move. We have satisfied him, here is the text of his mail:


Living abroad, Andrea’s letter

“Good morning dear Italian immigrants,

I wanted to write this letter and I hope you can publish it with the intent of addressing all Italians living abroad and those who would like to move across the border. Overseas fascinates because it is almost unknown to most people, but in reality more than a few rare examples of beauty do not have all this value. I happened to read an article by an Italian who after many years abroad wanted to come back to Italy, how could he not agree with him? In our country, apart from the bad politics, nothing is missing: health is our flagship (at least as doctors), education and academic education is one of the most complete in the world, about food and culture is completely useless to talk about it because it is a fact that they are better in the world. Go to foreign for what? For work? Perhaps you will find a job that gives you a few hundred euros more but you lose something else. Do not get me wrong, I am in favor of experiences abroad, indeed you must really make an experience, only so you will understand the value of what we have in Italy. I lived two years in Holland and 3 years in England, good work and good salary. In the evening I went out with my friends, I always had money to have fun but then …? When I found myself thinking I understood what I was losing, that is, the construction of a long-term life. Finding a woman who knows how to love you for what you are (of Italian culture) abroad is almost impossible. Do not get confused with the attraction, many foreign women are attracted to the Italian man, but just for one night … maybe two.

I have come to the conclusion that the saying “wife and oxen of your countries” is truth. Now this will be just my point of view, but I want to tell you something: “Do not be an amateur,” that is, do not think that abroad everything works and people live well. They can also earn more but life is another thing … look at the Nordic countries (Sweden and Norway for example) where despite the economic crisis does not exist, people commit suicide because it is sad. I want to live, for this I returned to Italy, without work, but something I will invent to stay.

Thanks for the attention

Greetings from Andrea “